rethinking Identity; emop arendt award
Caecilia Tripp: Sleeping with books
Bodies of Identities
Tills: Raphaël Lecoquierre
Alma pintada: Paulo Lobo
Rethinking Identity, Family, Community
Isabelle Ferreira : O Salto
Erwin Olaf & Hans Op de Beeck: Inspired by Steichen
Rethinking identity: Je est un autre
Dancing with my camera: Dayanita Singh
Je suis Moi, Je suis Toi
Portfolio review artists 2023- exhibition
Portfolio public viewing
A room of one’s own
P. Reding, P. Trierweiler. M. Diederich
Christian Aschman & Laurianne Bixhain
light leaks festival
Roger Ballen: Into the Ballenesque
Katrien de Blauwer
The Family of Man
Open sky photo installations
mike zennari: humains
sven becker : Impermanent horizons
Jeff Weber : Image storage containers
The hand that topples the tower
Cristina Nuñez: Echoes of Self 2
Cristina Nuñez, Echoes of Self
Identities : Portraying the Intangible